
August 15, 2013

Horses in the valley - glass painting in one evening

There are some days when you feel a sudden rush of energy flowing through your spine, that you jump out of your couch and do something which you have never thought of doing in one evening.

Here it is. I usually have all my painting materials ready in hand keeping only the plot in my head, marinated for some time to be cooked on canvas. One evening, when I was about to complete my one month pending novel, struck by this picture of running horses in a valley. And I felt like, it somehow naturally resembled my energetic feeling with the plot of this picture. So, finally I got it painted in a piece of glass in one go.

I used a 1 ft x 1.5 ft china glass (from a local glass market), "Reeves" acrylic paints (from Blick Art Materials, Chicago), black outliner (from the same shop above) and 2 paint brushes (#2 and #3).

Since the final product would be a mixture of so many colors and compositions, it was hard to put the colors in proper order. If you want to see white on top and then and shade of yellow to visualize the wave, you should apply the colors at the back of the glass rather than the front face of it. So, you can imagine the whole picture was colored in reverse order they way the shades are seen.

This painting is yet to be framed.

Hope you guys like it. Let me know if you have any comments!

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